Quran Lesson
At Chingford Madrasah our goal is to nurture the young generation with Qur’an and sunnah. Our goal is to teach them the essentials of our deen and to create within them the zeal to implement what they learn and in turn build a strong relationship with their creator. Educating children in a masjid not only is full of blessings but it creates a healthy relationship between our students and the masjid.

Highly experienced Teacher
The Most Effective Teaching Method
With qualified, experienced and trained teachers in our Madrasah, we teach our syllabus with great care. For advanced students, we have a hifz programme in which students would be made to memorize the entire Qur’an. This is all alongside continuous tarbiyah of the students by their respective teachers.
Madrasah Times (Monday-Friday)
Maktab (Boys/Girls): Session 1: 4:30pm-5:30pm, Session 2: 5:40pm-6:40pm
Hifz Class (Only Boys): 4:30pm-7:00pm (Monday-Friday) Sat 8am – 11am